10th Anniversary event

It will be 10 years since 11 colleagues met at the Clifton Club, Bristol to decide whether there was support for a new kind of network. Indeed there was which is why we are celebrating tonight. The picture was taken at the time (and yes, there are 12 in the frame, back row 4th from the left is Kevin Butler at the time Bank of England Agent for the SW and a good friend of Rubicon). Next to Kevin on his left is Paul Brown, BMS Bristol and on his left is Charles Anderson.To the right of Kevin Butler is Angus Clarke, Chairman of TJ International. In the front row are, from the 2nd left Clive Fricker, CEO and to his left Bob O'Shea, Chairman. All the named individuals except for Kevin and Charles are still members or officers of Rubicon. Currently Rubicon has some 46 members approximately an even split between Printers and Manufacturers.
We will meet at:
Stanton Manor
Stanton Saint Quintin
Near Chippenham
SN14 6DQ
tel: 01666 837552
Will members staying overnight please advise me that they have booked dinner, bed and breakfast directly with the hotel at our special Rubicon package price shown in the individual notification of the meeting and settle their total account on departure
Members requiring dinner only should please confirm attendance to me and note the special package price shown in the individual notification of the meeting.
Banking requirements where appropriate are to:
The Rubicon Network
Kingswood (309480) Branch
Lloyds TSB Bank plc
P O Box 1000
Sort Code 309480 A/C No 29269268
We gather in the bar from 6:00pm followed by meeting at 6:30 and dinner at 8:00