Cyber Security

Thursday, 16 May, 2019 - 18:00
Stanton Manor Hotel

Our next networking dinner meeting is at Stanton Manor when we will focus on IT security. Cyber risk poses one of the greatest threats to individuals and companies especially in a data sensitive sector such as printing. Quality companies can cope with economic and political  risk but a cyber attack can be instant from any global location with drastic implications

We welcome Alex Wellings Operations Director of soVisionIT who will take us through some of the threats and opportunities associated with the latest communication systems

Our usual venue:

Stanton Manor 

Stanton Saint Quintin
Near Chippenham
SN14 6DQ

tel: 01666 837552

Will members staying overnight please advise me that they have booked dinner, bed and breakfast directly with the hotel at our special Rubicon package price of £124.00 and settle their total account on departure

Members requiring dinner only should please confirm attendance to me and pay £39.50 direct to our Rubicon bank account :-
The Rubicon Network
Kingswood (309480) Branch
Lloyds TSB Bank plc
P O Box 1000
Sort Code 309480 A/C No 29269268

We gather in the bar from 6:00pm followed by meeting at 6:30 and dinner at 8:00