Digital Marketing

Tuesday, 9 July, 2019 - 18:00
Stanton Manor

If Liverpool Football Club delivered Digital Marketing Jurgen Klopp would stand aside for Andy Poulton. Describing himself as a user friendly geek Andy, over a number of years, has become a leading voice on digital marketing.  Founding Enterprise Online Marketing Solutions in 2012 he has gained a wide respect in helping companies ensure the internet works hard to achieve their objectives


Our usual venue:

Stanton Manor 

Stanton Saint Quintin
Near Chippenham
SN14 6DQ

tel: 01666 837552

Will members staying overnight please advise me that they have booked dinner, bed and breakfast directly with the hotel at our special Rubicon package price of £130.00 and settle their total account on departure

Members requiring dinner only should please confirm attendance to me and pay £40.00 direct to our Rubicon bank account :-
The Rubicon Network
Kingswood (309480) Branch
Lloyds TSB Bank plc
P O Box 1000
Sort Code 309480 A/C No 29269268

We gather in the bar from 6:00pm followed by meeting at 6:30 and dinner at 8:00