General Data Protection Regulations - Jason Cromack
We will review the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation due for implementation in May 2018. To guide us we welcome Jason Cromack who has a wide experience in our sector and now as Chief Commercial Officer of Mylife Digital Ltd has a business focus on data management. Jason will outline the impact of the regulation and how although demanding attention as an organisational requirement it can also offer a real business opportunity
Will members staying overnight please advise me that they have booked dinner, bed and breakfast with the hotel at our special Rubicon package price of £124.00 and settle their total account on departure
Stanton Manor
Stanton Saint Quintin
Near Chippenham
SN14 6DQ
tel: 01666 837552
Members requiring dinner only should please pay £39.50 direct to our Rubicon bank account advising me accordingly :-
The Rubicon Network
Kingswood (309480) Branch
Lloyds TSB Bank plc
P O Box 1000
Sort Code 309480 A/C No 29269268