General Data Protection Regulations - Jason Cromack

Tuesday, 6 February, 2018 - 18:00
Stanton Manor, Stanton st Quentin, Wiltshire, SN14 6DQ

We will review the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation due for implementation in May 2018. To guide us we welcome Jason Cromack who has a wide experience in our sector and now as Chief Commercial Officer of Mylife Digital Ltd has a business focus on data management. Jason will outline the impact of the regulation and how although demanding attention as an organisational requirement it can also offer a real business opportunity 


Will members staying overnight please advise me that they have booked dinner, bed and breakfast with the hotel at our special Rubicon package price of £124.00 and settle their total account on departure

Stanton Manor 

Stanton Saint Quintin
Near Chippenham
SN14 6DQ
tel: 01666 837552

Members requiring dinner only should please pay £39.50 direct to our Rubicon bank account advising me accordingly :-
The Rubicon Network
Kingswood (309480) Branch
Lloyds TSB Bank plc
P O Box 1000
Sort Code 309480 A/C No 29269268