Visit to CVG Holland - Mill visit and exploring Inkjet

Tuesday, 6 September, 2016 - 08:00 to Wednesday, 7 September, 2016 - 17:00
Velsen Noord (approx 5 miles North of Haarlem, Holland)

We are pleased to invite you to visit Crown Van Gelder mill at Velsen-Noord in Holland and join our high speed inkjet workshop (full programme and invitation attached). We are most grateful to CVG who will provide all travel and accommodation costs in Holland as outlined in the programme. Delegates will book their own flights and we have structured the itinerary so that members can fly from a convenient airport of their choice to Schiphol returning around lunchtime next day

To take part please advise me as soon a possible and no later than close of Wed 22 June as this event will be popular, space limited and filled on a first come basis. Also please do not book flights until we confirm to you that your place is secure. An overview is contained in the attached pdf.