ESP Swindon ~ Records broken daily

Speedmaster XL 105-4+L and two Speedmaster XL 75 presses. 2.5 Million sheets in 168 hours! At ESP, productivity records are constantly being broken.
Every day is record-breaking
“At other print shops, productivity is measured in days and hours – we, on the other hand, think in minutes and seconds.” For Anthony Thirlby, Managing Director of ESP Colour Hub in Swindon in the UK, this is the only way to achieve long-term success. For example, ESP produced 498 jobs with over two million printed sheets on a Speedmaster XL 105 in a 168-hour record week in November 2012. On average, it takes just three minutes 54 seconds per job change with an average net production speed of over 17,000 sheets an hour. And this record lasted just half a year before it was also broken. Now again another unbeatable productivity story is written: 2.5 million printed sheets in 168-hour!
Extrapolated over a year, this would reach the dizzy height of 120 million printed sheets, underlining the enormous capacity of this high-performance press. After 73.4 million sheets in 2012, Thirlby estimates the XL 105 will achieve over 80 million sheets with around 19,500 jobs in calendar year 2013. And this is surely not the final record for ESP. “We don’t consider ourselves to be a traditional print shop but a technology-driven producer of print products that achieves optimum returns through the best possible integration and automation day in, day out.”
ESP can thus take a relaxed approach to the trend toward ever shorter job runs. “Our processes are so geared up to securing productivity that runs would have to fall below 150 sheets before we would turn to a digital press. Till then, we’re more effective – and more profitable – with our Speedmaster presses,” concludes Thirlby.